BIOPAC, the leading company for physiology measurement proposes a compilation of their most viewed content by the community in 2018.
Ground vs. Reference for EEG:
The terminology for electrical connections to human subjects is not universally agreed upon. “Ground” and “reference” are often used interchangeably which isn’t a good practice. Learn the difference >
Fundamentals of Physiological Data Recording Webinar:
Understanding the basic principles of physiological data collection is critical to both educators and researchers who teach and conduct physiology experiments. Register to the webinar >
Influences of Respiration on ECG:
There are two major influences of respiratoryactivity on the electrocardiogram (ECG) signal. Learn more >
QRS Amplitude & Respiratory Modulation:
Several anatomical and physiological factors determine the amplitudes of the Q, R, and S waves in the ECG of a normal person. Learn more >